Match E-Xolos LAZER E-XL vs FUSION | 05.03

On March, 05 2025 22:00 (UTC) (2 hours from now) within Regular Stage of the 2025 VALORANT Challengers Latin America North: Stage 1 Valorant Championship E-Xolos LAZER and FUSION will play a fight

The favorite for this one looks to be E-Xolos LAZER with maximum odd of 1.12 offered by Pinnacle.

Teams had 10 encounters in the past, E-XL won 7 times. FUSION won 3 times.

Team E-XL will be represented by Feniz, virtyyyy, Mited, Darker, Jow. Whereas Team FUSION is by VaiZ, Tacolilla, virtyyyy, guuih, Darker.

Team E-XL is ranked # among Valorant teams in ENSI.Rank which is 0 places lower than FUSION place #.

E-XL current winrate is 80.00% against FUSION's 20.00%.

E-XL had 5 wins in a row. Whereas team FUSION had 2 loses.