On December, 24 2024 12:30 (UTC) (16 hours from now) Titan and Team Trust will play a fight at the Qualifier Stage of the 2025 FISSURE PLAYGROUND Belgrade Dota 2 Tournament
Titan current winrate is 40.00% against T.Trust's 50.00%.
Team Titan is placed #65 among Dota 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 6 places lower than T.Trust place #59.
Titan current streak is 1 wins against T.Trust's 1 wins.
Teams had no previous encounters.
Titan match line-up is Mercy, Beyond, Echo, Erika, zzq.
T.Trust line-up is black fire magic, lxqx6.com玩妹约炮, %%, 0512❤️爱纯哥, Ragnaros.