On April, 15 2021 19:10 (UTC) (3 years ago) Nemiga Gaming and Family Team will face in another clash at the Regular Phase of the 2021 Positive Fire Games Dota 2 Tournament
Teams had no previous encounters.
Team Nemiga is ranked #150 among Dota 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 150 places lower than FAMILY place #.
Nemiga current winrate is 10.00% against FAMILY's 25.00%.
Team Nemiga will be represented by TheChosenOne, Lodine, Ainkrad, Hellscream, Kiritych~. Whereas Team FAMILY is by ck, Dinozavrik, Hduo, Worick, fortniteMan.pure<3.
Nemiga had 5 loses in a row. Whereas team FAMILY had 1 wins.