On August, 28 2023 16:20 (UTC) (in 1 year) Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan will play a match within Final Phase of the 2023 IESF World Championship Dota 2 Tournament
Team UKR is ranked # among Dota 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 0 places lower than KG place #.
In the opinion of bookmakers the champion of this clash will be Kyrgyzstan with the best odd of 1.56 offered by Pinnacle.
UKR current winrate is 57.14% against KG's 50.00%.
UKR match roster is Kidaro, StoneBank, geO, Panda, infernal.
KG roster is Max, Kami, Askold, Sunset, k8t.
Teams had no previous encounters.
UKR had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team KG had 1 loses.