On November, 30 2023 16:00 (UTC) (1 year ago) Navi Junior and Team Tickles will face in another fight at the Final Phase of the 2023 European Pro League Season 14 Dota 2 Tournament

Team NAVI.JR is ranked #18 among Dota 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 18 places lower than TT place #.

Most of bookmakers agree that the team Team Tickles will win a Match with the best odd of 1.21 offered by Pinnacle.

Teams had 4 encounters in the past, NAVI.JR won 1 times. TT won 3 times.

NAVI.JR current winrate is 70.00% against TT's 40.00%.

NAVI.JR had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team TT had 1 loses.

Team NAVI.JR will be represented by gotthejuice, pma, Riddys, daze, Niku. Whereas Team TT is by NARMAN, Dukalis, Force, Lorenof, Ulnit.