Match TotalePRO TOTALE vs Grêmio Esports Grêmio | 03.12

On December, 03 2024 20:00 (UTC) (in 22 hours) TotalePRO and Grêmio Esports will play a fight at the Final Stage of the 2024 Valorant Challengers: Brazil Split 3 Valorant Championship

Team TOTALE is ranked #110 among Valorant teams in ENSI.Rank which is 22 places lower than Grêmio place #88.

Teams had no previous encounters.

TOTALE had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team Grêmio had 1 wins.

TOTALE current winrate is 50.00% against Grêmio's 60.00%.

TOTALE match line-up is unknown.
Grêmio line-up is unknown.