On January, 19 2023 23:00 (UTC) (in 2 years) OREsports goes up against Moon Raccoons in the Qualifier Stage of the 2023 VALORANT Challengers North America Split 1 Valorant Tournament
ORE had 1 wins in a row. Whereas team MR had 4 loses.
Team ORE is placed # among Valorant teams in ENSI.Rank which is 0 places lower than MR place #.
Team ORE will be represented by Jonaaa6, Lear, pureVNS, zeldris, nillyaz. Whereas Team MR is by Rebo, Temperature, Fiend, aleksandar, ryann.
ORE doing great by winning over 40.00% of their recent matches. While team MR performs with 14.29% winrate.
Teams had no previous encounters.