On June, 23 2024 19:08 (UTC) (in 5 months) Mandatory will fight against DVM in the Regular Stage of the 2024 VALORANT Challengers France: Revolution Split 2 Valorant Tournament
Team MDR (rank #) is 0 places beyond DVM (rank #).
In the opinion of bookmakers the winner of this fight will be Mandatory with the best odd of 1.48 offered by Pinnacle.
MDR current winrate is 60.00% against DVM's 30.00%.
Before this match team MDR had won over team DVM 1 times, while DVM had 0 victories over Mandatory.
MDR had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team DVM had 1 wins.
MDR match roster is HyP, AKUMAAAAA, thebigfiz, Goaster, SoOn.
DVM roster is kAdavra, Szimpli, xms, MARCTYLINHO, pa1ka.