- Professional Esports League of Legends player Florian Loferski also known as Glowing (Germany).
- Florian Loferski has 0 wins (last was draw) in a row..
- Glowing's previous team was E WIE EINFACH E-SPORTS. He spent 346 days as a part of the team.
- Currently as for 2025 Glowing is a EVOPLAY player (since May 25, 2018 and already for 2475 days).
- Glowing has Ensi.Score 1400.00 and Ensi.Rank equals according to Ensigame ranking system.
- Current player's winrate is 0.00%.
ENSI.Rank:Team inactive ?
ENSI.Score:1400 ?
Shape:100% ?
Streak: ?
Winrate 10:0% ?
Winrate 30:0% ?

- Professional Esports League of Legends player Florian Loferski also known as Glowing (Germany).
- Florian Loferski has 0 wins (last was draw) in a row..
- Glowing's previous team was E WIE EINFACH E-SPORTS. He spent 346 days as a part of the team.
- Currently as for 2025 Glowing is a EVOPLAY player (since May 25, 2018 and already for 2475 days).
- Glowing has Ensi.Score 1400.00 and Ensi.Rank equals according to Ensigame ranking system.
- Current player's winrate is 0.00%.
Team History

EVOPLAY Match Schedule
No Matches info yet 😥
Player Earnings and Prizes
No prize data yet 😥