Team Eternal Fire Logo
Eternal Fire
ENSI.Rank:7 ?
ENSI.Score:1886 ?
Shape:93.3% ?
Streak: ?
Winrate 10:60% ?
Winrate 30:67% ?
Game: CS2 Game Icon CS2
Turkey Country Flag Icon Turkey
  • Eternal Fire is a Counter-Strike 2 Esports team from Turkey.
  • Over the last month the team has played 3 matches, won 1 of them and dropped 1 positions in the ranking.
  • EF last 10 matches winrate is 60.00 %.
  • Current team streak is 1 losses in a row.
  • Eternal Fire is ranked #7 in the Ensigame Counter-Strike 2 Ranking having Ensi.Score = 1886.
  • Current Eternal Fire line-up: XANTARES, MAJ3R, Calyx, woxic, Wicadia.
  • Since the beginning of the year the team has played 70 matches.
  • The last Eternal Fire match took place at IEM Rio tournament on Oct 09, 2024, 14:01. Eternal Fire lost to the The Mongolz with a score of 2:1.
  • The next match of the team will be held at ESL DM tournament on 1 day from now. B8 will be the opponent.

Eternal Fire Current Line-Up

 logo XANTARES Ismailcan Dörtkardeş  logo MAJ3R Engin Kupeli  logo Calyx Buğra Arkın  logo woxic Özgür Eker  logo Wicadia Ali Haydar Yalçın

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Eternal Fire ENSI.Score Chart

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