
What world boss events are currently taking place and what rewards do they offer?

7 months ago
1 replies

1 answer

Jul 30, 2024, 07:54
Current World Boss Events in World of Warcraft and Their Rewards (July 2024)

Onyxia’s Lair:
Description: Onyxia has returned as a world boss in her lair, offering a challenging fight for players.
Rewards: Players can earn revamped loot, including redesigned Tier 1 sets and additional rewards based on the new variable difficulty mechanic.

Molten Core:
Description: Ragnaros and his minions in Molten Core now feature a revamped 20-player dungeon with classic bosses and updated loot.
Rewards: Players can obtain new, powerful items and revamped Tier 1 sets. The difficulty can be adjusted to earn greater rewards.

Lord Kazzak and Azuregos:
Description: These bosses have been reintroduced as instanced encounters that can be tackled with up to 40 players, but are tuned for 20-player groups to maximize rewards.
Rewards: High-level gear and special items specific to these encounters.

Season of Discovery Phase 4:
Description: This phase introduces new raid lockouts and challenges, including bosses like Onyxia, Ragnaros, and more.
Rewards: Enhanced loot drops, redesigned gear, and additional rewards for higher difficulty levels.
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