Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a gripping cyberpunk-themed action role-playing video game that takes place in the year 2029, two years after a catastrophic event known as the Aug Incident. Augmentation technology, which was once the solution to human medical and physical flaws, has caused a schism between "normal" humans and those who have been augmented. Players take on the role of Adam Jensen, a former security chief who has been specifically equipped with advanced augmentation technology to combat terrorists.
The game offers a non-linear storyline, allowing players to make choices that influence the outcome of the game in more ways than one. Each decision made by the player helps to shape the ultimate direction of the game, and since there are multiple endings to reach, the replay value of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is extremely high.
As players navigate the game world, they explore open-ended environments such as Prague, attempting to uncover a vast conspiracy that threatens the very existence of augmentations. The game offers an array of weapons, augmentations, and abilities that are available for the user's choosing, allowing for a high degree of customization to fit each individual player's play style.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a complete and polished experience, with excellent voice acting, deep characters, and engaging gameplay mechanics that will keep players on the edge of their seats. The game's advanced themes of technology and human evolution provide thought-provoking commentary on the boundary between humanity and machine, and whether the two can coexist peacefully.
In conclusion, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a must-play for fans of the cyberpunk genre, featuring a non-linear story that allows for player choice, beautiful graphics that capture the dystopian future of 2029, and deep gameplay mechanics that will keep players enthralled for hours on end.