LEGO Batman: The Videogame is a part in the series of LEGO adaptations of popular franchises. It is based on DC Universe and follows its famous superhero, Batman. It was the first LEGO game to be based on an original plot rather than being an adaptation of an existing story.


The game is set in Gotham City. A group of supervillains once again escaped the ever unreliable Arkham Asylum. They formed three separate gangs led by Batman’s arch-enemies Joker, Riddler, and Penguin, respectively. Each gang has a chapter of the game dedicated to it. Riddler’s plan is to rob Gotham's gold reserves. Penguin is going to use his robotic minions to conquer Gotham. Joker wants to poison the whole city with his laughing gas. Batman and Robin have to disrupt the villains’ plans.


The game is divided into the heroes’ and villains’ missions. In the heroes’ missions, you play as Batman or his aides Robin, Batgirl, and Nightwing, while the playable villains change over the course of the game. Between missions, the characters reside in their respective hubs, Batcave and Arkham Asylum. Each character has his or her unique abilities, such as special weapons, double jumps, mind control or immunity to certain attacks. The player can also change the suits of the characters to use their specific effects. For example, a Glide suit allows Batman to fly short distances, while Robin can use Magnet suit to climb metal surfaces. Since it’s a LEGO game, the player will also have to build certain constructions from LEGO bricks.

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