Lego Bionicle (also subtitled Tales of the Tohunga or Quest for the Toa) is a Lego-themed action-adventure game based on the Bionicle franchise. It was developed by Saffire Corporation, published by Lego Software and distributed in North America by Electronic Arts. It was released for the Game Boy Advance in October 2001.
Set before the Toa Mata arrive on Mata Nui, it chronicles the adventures of Takua as he searches for the kidnapped Turaga and hidden Toa stones. This is the only canonical handheld Bionicle game, and is a direct prequel to Mata Nui Online Game.
A Microsoft Windows counterpart to the game, inofficially titled Lego Bionicle: Legend of Mata Nui, was to release in Q3/Q4 2001, but was cancelled in October.