Little Kitty, Big City is an upcoming adventure video game developed by American indie developer Double Dagger Studio. The player assumes the role of a cat lost within a city, with the main objective of making their way back home. It is set to be released for the Nintendo Switch, Windows, the Xbox One and the Xbox Series X/S in early 2024.
A peaceful catnap turns into a whimsical adventure!
Will you make your way home or will you explore what the big city has to offer first? I mean, getting home is obviously your main priority. Obviously. Well, it's one of your priorities. Maybe more of a guideline... It's definitely on your To-Do list somewhere! But first? Exploration!
Explore the city at your own pace in an open-world playground filled with surprises! Make friends with a colorful cast of chatty animals. Complete quests, help your animal friends, or cause a total ruckus. It’s up to you. Customize your Kitty with a plethora of very adorable hats! Take a nap in the sunshine. Find a way home...?
Let's have some fun!