X3: Reunion is the third game in the X series of futuristic space exploration simulators. It is set in the X-Universe, a science fiction world that includes over 100 interconnected star systems.
The game continues the plot of its predecessor X2: The Threat and follows the same protagonist, Julian Gardna, a space pilot from the year 2935. A former pirate, he helps the Argonian military to train pilots. The Argon Federation is at war with the alien race called Kha'ak, who wiped out much of the Argonian fleet. Julian has to uncover the secret reasons behind the Kha'ak invasion and to restore the jump gate that leads to the original Earth, which means that the Terrans finally appear in the X universe. The protagonist also has to save his father Kyle who is wanted for alleged crimes by the Paranid civilization.
X3: Reunion is set in the open world that the player can freely explore. He or she can follow the storyline or abandon it and follow the side quests instead. Most of the time the player controls the main character's starship. The protagonist can change his ship and use a different vessel that fits for different missions, such as a battlecruiser, a carrier, or a scout ship. The player can mine and trade resources, competing against the AI players, to earn money and status. As the player improves his or her status and reputation with various factions, the new ships and upgrades are unlocked.