Match Imperial Fe Imp.fe vs FURIA Esports Female Furia.fe | 01.12

On December, 01 2024 21:37 (UTC) (2 weeks ago) Imperial Fe and FURIA Esports Female will play a fight within Final Phase of the 2024 Rainhas do Clutch FERJEE Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

Previously team Imp.fe had won over team Furia.fe 2 times, while FURIA Esports Female had 0 victories over Imperial Fe.

Team Imp.fe will be represented by zAAz, ANa, Tory, tweNty3, Kat. Whereas Team Furia.fe is by gabs, bizinha, izaa, kaahSENSEI, lulitenz.

Imp.fe current winrate is 90.00% against Furia.fe's 80.00%.

Imp.fe current streak is 1 loses against Furia.fe's 2 wins.

Team Imp.fe is placed #43 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 18 places lower than Furia.fe place #25.