Match FengDa FD vs TyLoo | 24.03

On March, 24 2025 12:00 (UTC) (in 4 days) FengDa and TyLoo will play a fight at the Regular Stage of the 2025 ESL Challenger League Season 49: Asia Counter-Strike 2 Championship

Team FD is placed #272 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 234 places lower than TyLoo place #38.

FD current winrate is 30.00% against TyLoo's 70.00%.

Team FD will be represented by 1337x9, chengking-, ysp5p, 3gl, jung1e. Whereas Team TyLoo is by AttackeR, JamYoung, Jee, Mercury, Moseyuh.

Previously team FD had won over team TyLoo 1 times, while TyLoo had 0 victories over FengDa.

FD had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team TyLoo had 1 loses.