Match Ninjas in Pyjamas NiP vs Metizport Metz | 05.02

On February, 05 2025 13:10 (UTC) (in 33 minutes) Ninjas in Pyjamas will fight against Metizport in the Qualifier Stage of the 2025 BLAST RISING Europe Spring Counter-Strike 2 Championship

Team NiP is ranked #55 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 8 places higher than Metz place #63.

In the opinion of bookmakers the winner of this clash will be Ninjas in Pyjamas with the best odd of 1.54 offered by Pinnacle.

Teams had 3 encounters in the past, NiP won 1 times. Metz won 2 times.

NiP current winrate is 40.00% against Metz's 40.00%.

NiP had 3 loses in a row. Whereas team Metz had 4 loses.

Team NiP will be represented by Snappi, sjuush, arrozdoce, ewjerkz, R1nkle. Whereas Team Metz is by Plopski, SHiNE, nilo, Adamb, L00m1.