Match NRG Esports NRG vs Exceritus | 13.02

On February, 13 2025 17:01 (UTC) (in 1 month) NRG Esports will fight against Exceritus in the Final Stage of the 2025 BLAST RISING North America Spring Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

Team NRG (rank #35) is 186 places above Exceritus (rank #221).

Teams had no previous encounters.

NRG current winrate is 60.00% against Exceritus's 37.50%.

Team NRG will be represented by nitr0, oSee, br0, HexT, Jeorge. Whereas Team Exceritus is by Slayerhz, BabyRage, zockie, SJR, Antuanette.

NRG had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team Exceritus had 1 loses.