Match AMKAL vs LFO 3 | 06.03

On March, 06 2025 19:35 (UTC) (in 2 days) at the Final Stage of the 2025 ESEA Advanced Europe S52 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament AMKAL and LFO 3 will play a match

Team AMKAL will be represented by Krad, Forester, TRAVIS, Sdaim, topo-. Whereas Team LFO 3 is by Chill, giM, BehinDx, awks, matheos.

Team AMKAL is placed #67 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 167 places higher than LFO 3 place #234.

Teams had no previous encounters.

AMKAL current winrate is 30.00% against LFO 3's 33.33%.

AMKAL had 2 wins in a row. Whereas team LFO 3 had 2 loses.