Match Team Falcons Falcons vs FURIA Esports FURIA | 10.03

On March, 10 2025 18:00 (UTC) (in 1 day) Team Falcons will fight against FURIA Esports in the Regular Stage of the 2025 ESL Pro League Season 21 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

Team Falcons is placed #21 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 6 places lower than FURIA place #15.

Falcons doing well by winning over 60.00% of their recent matches. While team FURIA performs with 40.00% winrate.

Previously team Falcons had won over team FURIA 0 times, while FURIA Esports had 1 victories over Team Falcons.

The favorite for this one most likely will be Team Falcons with the best odd of 1.50 offered by Pinnacle.

Team Falcons will be represented by NiKo, Magisk, TeSeS, degster, kyxsan. Whereas Team FURIA is by FalleN, yuurih, chelo, KSCerato, skullz.

Falcons had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team FURIA had 1 loses.