Match Mercenaires Merce vs TEAM NEXT LEVEL TNL | 15.03

On March, 15 2025 19:09 (UTC) (in 1 day) Mercenaires will fight against TEAM NEXT LEVEL in the Qualifier Stage of the 2025 PGL Astana Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

Teams had no previous encounters.

Team Merce will be represented by NBK-, Misutaaa, PerX, afro , Djoko. Whereas Team TNL is by nifee, Flierax, onic, cairne, Dawy.

Team Merce is ranked #145 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 37 places lower than TNL place #108.

Merce doing great by winning over 75.00% of their recent matches. While team TNL performs with 50.00% winrate.

Merce current streak is 1 loses against TNL's 1 loses.