Match HAVU Gaming HAVU vs ENCE Academy ENCE.A | 30.03

On March, 30 2025 12:00 (UTC) (in 1 day) within Regular Stage of the 2025 Elisa Open Suomi Season 9 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament HAVU Gaming and ENCE Academy will face in another fight

Team HAVU is placed #203 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 88 places lower than ENCE.A place #115.

Team HAVU will be represented by uli, Alxc, puuha, p3kko, ottob. Whereas Team ENCE.A is by teme, 2high, myltsi, millert, Schwarz.

HAVU had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team ENCE.A had 1 wins.

Before this match team HAVU had won over team ENCE.A 6 times, while ENCE Academy had 4 victories over HAVU Gaming.

HAVU current winrate is 50.00% against ENCE.A's 50.00%.