Match ECSTATIC vs Sashi Esport Sashi | 20.03

On March, 20 2025 09:05 (UTC) (in 11 hours) ECSTATIC will fight against Sashi Esport in the Regular Phase of the 2025 Galaxy Battle: Starter Counter-Strike 2 Championship

Teams had 4 encounters in the past, ECSTATIC won 3 times. Sashi won 1 times.

Team ECSTATIC is placed #46 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 43 places higher than Sashi place #89.

Team ECSTATIC will be represented by TMB, Kristou, Anlelele, nut nut, sirah-. Whereas Team Sashi is by IceBerg, Cabbi, Lucky, Zyphon, Altekz.

ECSTATIC current winrate is 90.00% against Sashi's 40.00%.

ECSTATIC had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team Sashi had 1 wins.