On June, 29 2021 00:03 (UTC) (in 3 years) within Regular Stage of the 2021 ESEA Season 37 Premier Division - North America Counter-Strike 2 Championship Mythic and Recon 5 will play a match
Before this match team Mythic had won over team R5 0 times, while Recon 5 had 2 victories over Mythic.
Mythic current winrate is 30.00% against R5's 40.00%.
Mythic had 1 wins in a row. Whereas team R5 had 2 loses.
Team Mythic is ranked #273 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 273 places lower than R5 place #.
Team Mythic will be represented by fl0m, Cooper, hyza, Austin, Trucklover86. Whereas Team R5 is by desi, AAustiN, Wilky, Saturn, SLIGHT.