On April, 28 2023 23:58 (UTC) (in 1 year) within Regular Stage of the 2023 ESL Challenger at DreamHack Melbourne Counter-Strike 2 Championship ECSTATIC and EG Black will face in another clash
Team ECSTATIC is ranked #49 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 49 places lower than EG.B place #.
ECSTATIC match line-up is TMB, Kristou, n1xen, Anlelele, nut nut.
EG.B line-up is RUSH, Junior, Walco, HexT, Jeorge.
ECSTATIC current streak is 4 wins against EG.B's 1 loses.
Teams had no previous encounters.
EG.B doing great by winning over 70.00% of their recent matches. While team ECSTATIC performs with 70.00% winrate.