On February, 04 2023 14:53 (UTC) (in 1 year) at the Final Phase of the 2023 CCT North Europe Series 3 Counter-Strike 2 Championship Astralis and EYEBALLERS will play a fight

Team Astralis is ranked #18 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 93 places higher than EYE place #111.

Teams had no previous encounters.

Astralis current winrate is 50.00% against EYE's 60.00%.

Team Astralis will be represented by dev1ce, cadiaN, stavn, Jabbi, Staehr. Whereas Team EYE is by JW, HEAP, delle, dex, poiii.

Astralis had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team EYE had 2 loses.