On May, 29 2023 20:39 (UTC) (1 year ago) within Regular Phase of the 2023 Intel Extreme Masters Dallas Counter-Strike 2 Championship Cloud9 and Grayhound Gaming will carry out a fight

Previously team C9 had won over team GH 0 times, while Grayhound Gaming had 1 victories over Cloud9.

Team C9 will be represented by boombl4, interz, Ax1Le, HeavyGod, ICY. Whereas Team GH is by Dexter, Liazz, aliStair, Ins, Vexite.

GH doing great by winning over 80.00% of their recent matches. While team C9 performs with 40.00% winrate.

Team C9 (rank #) is 0 places beyond GH (rank #).

C9 had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team GH had 1 loses.