On December, 01 2023 15:00 (UTC) (in 1 year) GODSENT will fight against Metizport in the Final Stage of the 2023 Svenska Cupen Counter-Strike 2 Championship
Team GODSENT is ranked # among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 58 places higher than Metz place #58.
GODSENT current winrate is 10.00% against Metz's 50.00%.
Teams had no previous encounters.
GODSENT match roster is Cham, Sn0w, Wonder, MaiL09, viz.
Metz roster is Plopski, SHiNE, nilo, Adamb, L00m1.
GODSENT current streak is 5 loses against Metz's 2 loses.