On December, 18 2024 19:30 (UTC) (13 hours from now) MOUZ and Winter Bear will carry out a match within Qualifier Stage of the 2025 FISSURE PLAYGROUND Belgrade Dota 2 Tournament
MOUZ current winrate is 30.00% against WBear's 40.00%.
MOUZ current streak is 2 loses against WBear's 1 loses.
Team MOUZ (rank #33) is 34 places above WBear (rank #67).
The favorite for this one most likely will be MOUZ with maximum odd of 1.12 offered by Pinnacle.
MOUZ match roster is Immersion, Supream^, Force, Tobi, Ulnit.
WBear roster is Dream Land, 100Guy, KaChal, Pastil, angry.
Teams had no previous encounters.