On January, 26 2021 17:45 (UTC) (4 years ago) Team Liquid goes up against High Coast Esports in the Regular Phase of the 2021 DreamLeague S14 DPC - EU Upper Division Dota 2 Championship

Team Liquid is ranked #4 among Dota 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 4 places lower than HCE place #.

Teams had no previous encounters.

Liquid had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team HCE had 1 loses.

HCE doing great by winning over 70.00% of their recent matches. While team Liquid performs with 60.00% winrate.

Team Liquid will be represented by Nisha, iNsania, miCKe, Boxi, SabeRLight-. Whereas Team HCE is by Era, Chessie, charlie, Xibbe, Supream^.