On January, 31 2022 12:21 (UTC) (2 years ago) Into the Breach goes up against HYDRA in the Regular Stage of the 2021 Dota 2 Champions League S7 Dota 2 Tournament
ItB current winrate is 70.00% against HYDRA's 40.00%.
Team ItB is ranked #37 among Dota 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 7 places higher than HYDRA place #44.
ItB current streak is 1 wins against HYDRA's 2 loses.
Team ItB will be represented by LeBronDota, TANNER, Adzantick, Shad, 3333. Whereas Team HYDRA is by Proletariy, selfhate, fsd, Ethereal, ani-san.
Teams had no previous encounters.