On March, 30 2022 17:05 (UTC) (2 years ago) Winstrike Team will fight against Virtus.pro in the Final Phase of the 2022 Dota 2 Champions League S8 Dota 2 Championship
Team Winstrike (rank #) is 25 places above VP (rank #25).
Winstrike doing great by winning over 70.00% of their recent matches. While team VP performs with 50.00% winrate.
Previously team Winstrike had won over team VP 0 times, while Virtus.pro had 1 victories over Winstrike Team .
Winstrike match roster is SoNNeikO, Daxak, ForceMajor, Noticed, larl.
VP roster is 命運 reinprince, Noticed, squad1x, Nande, jesv.
Winstrike had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team VP had 2 loses.