Match ROSSMANN Centaurs ROSS vs TeamOrangeGaming TOG | 29.01

On January, 29 2025 17:00 (UTC) (in 1 month) at the Regular Stage of the 2025 Prime League 1st Division Winter League of Legends Tournament ROSSMANN Centaurs and TeamOrangeGaming will face in another clash

Team ROSS is placed #185 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 1 places higher than TOG place #186.

Most of bookies consider that the team TeamOrangeGaming will prevail a Match with maximum odd of 1.44 offered by Pinnacle.

ROSS current winrate is 0.00% against TOG's 40.00%.

Teams had no previous encounters.

ROSS match line-up is Nice Guy Ben, RoyalKanin, Xagog, Syzyfek, Wildenbruch.
TOG line-up is Cboi, Vzz, Infoneral, Six10, Smurfe.

ROSS had 4 loses in a row. Whereas team TOG had 2 loses.