On February, 11 2025 19:30 (UTC) (1 month ago) Eintracht Frankfurt goes up against Eintracht Spandau in the Regular Phase of the 2025 Prime League 1st Division Winter League of Legends Championship
Before this match team SGE had won over team EINS 1 times, while Eintracht Spandau had 8 victories over Eintracht Frankfurt.
Team SGE is ranked #184 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 155 places lower than EINS place #29.
Most of bookies believes that the team Eintracht Frankfurt will prevail a Match with the best odd of 1.69 offered by Pinnacle.
Team SGE will be represented by Zazee, Sacre, Techoteco, Veignorem, Varry. Whereas Team EINS is by PowerOfEvil, Broeki, Pride, Lilipp, JOKAA.
SGE current winrate is 30.00% against EINS's 50.00%.
SGE current streak is 1 loses against EINS's 2 loses.