Match Eintracht Spandau EINS vs Kaufland Hangry Knights KHK | 19.02

On February, 19 2025 19:48 (UTC) (1 month ago) Eintracht Spandau goes up against Kaufland Hangry Knights in the Regular Stage of the 2025 Prime League 1st Division Winter League of Legends Championship

Team EINS will be represented by PowerOfEvil, Broeki, Pride, Lilipp, JOKAA. Whereas Team KHK is by Visdom, Random, FUN k3y, Rabble, Venour.

The top dog for this one most likely will be Eintracht Spandau with the best odd of 1.56 offered by Pinnacle.

Team EINS is ranked #34 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 135 places higher than KHK place #169.

EINS doing great by winning over 40.00% of their recent matches. While team KHK performs with 30.00% winrate.

Teams had no previous encounters.

EINS had 3 loses in a row. Whereas team KHK had 1 loses.