Match LUA Gaming LUA vs Barça eSports BAR | 23.01

On January, 23 2025 20:10 (UTC) (in 12 minutes) LUA Gaming goes up against Barça eSports in the Regular Phase of the 2025 LVP Super Liga Winter League of Legends Tournament

Team LUA is ranked #47 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 18 places lower than BAR place #29.

Previously team LUA had won over team BAR 0 times, while Barça eSports had 3 victories over LUA Gaming.

Team LUA will be represented by Click, Marky, Sn1lle, Shy Carry, Hydra. Whereas Team BAR is by WhiteKnight, whiteinn, Czekolad, Thayger, Legolas.

LUA current winrate is 70.00% against BAR's 60.00%.

The top dog for this one most likely will be Barça eSports with the best odd of 1.69 offered by Pinnacle.

LUA had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team BAR had 1 wins.