Match Ramboot Club RBT vs Los Heretics HRTS | 30.01

On January, 30 2025 19:22 (UTC) (in 1 month) within Regular Stage of the 2025 LVP Super Liga Winter League of Legends Tournament Ramboot Club and Los Heretics will face in another match

RBT had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team HRTS had 8 wins.

Team RBT is placed #57 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 44 places lower than HRTS place #13.

Teams had 5 encounters in the past, RBT won 1 times. HRTS won 4 times.

Team RBT will be represented by iBo, bluerzor, Pyrka, Coldraa, twohoyrz. Whereas Team HRTS is by Kaiser, Sajator, Tracyn, Daglas, Rin.

HRTS doing great by winning over 80.00% of their recent matches. While team RBT performs with 50.00% winrate.