Match Meavedron MVE vs Tan'i eSports CZ Tani | 08.02

On February, 08 2025 17:07 (UTC) (in 1 month) within Regular Stage of the 2025 Hitpoint Masters Spring League of Legends Tournament Meavedron and Tan'i eSports CZ will play a fight

Team MVE is ranked #146 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 21 places higher than Tani place #167.

In the eyes of bookies the champion of this fight will be Tan'i eSports CZ with maximum odd of 1.40 offered by Pinnacle.

MVE current winrate is 40.00% against Tani's 25.00%.

MVE current streak is 2 loses against Tani's 2 loses.

Teams had no previous encounters.

MVE match roster is DVLK, Bless1, Darkeszy, Huron, XerRay.
Tani roster is Sirinox, Bicas, Yeti, Cherry, FSZ.