Match Papara SuperMassive SUP vs Zero Tenacity Z10 | 17.03

On March, 17 2025 16:00 (UTC) (1 hour from now) within Regular Stage of the 2025 EMEA Masters Winter League of Legends Tournament Papara SuperMassive and Zero Tenacity will carry out a match

SUP current winrate is 60.00% against Z10's 50.00%.

SUP match line-up is Skeanz, Armut, BAO, Carry, FIESTA.
Z10 line-up is bluerzor, Erdote, Köfte, Melonik, Harpoon.

Teams had 1 encounters in the past, SUP won 1 times. Z10 won 0 times.

Team SUP (rank #28) is 28 places beyond Z10 (rank #).

The top dog for this one looks to be Papara SuperMassive with maximum odd of 1.25 offered by Pinnacle.

SUP had 2 wins in a row. Whereas team Z10 had 1 loses.