Match Team WE WE vs EDward Gaming EDG | 26.03

On March, 26 2025 11:20 (UTC) (28 minutes from now) within Regular Stage of the 2025 League of Legends Pro League Split 2 League of Legends Championship Team WE and EDward Gaming will play a fight

Team WE is placed #212 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 81 places lower than EDG place #131.

Most of bookies believes that the team EDward Gaming will prevail a Match with maximum odd of 1.47 offered by Pinnacle.

Team WE will be represented by Cube, Karis, Taeyoon, Tianzhen, Vampire. Whereas Team EDG is by Angel, Zdz, Wink, Assum, xiaohao.

Teams had 12 encounters in the past, WE won 4 times. EDG won 8 times.

WE current winrate is 10.00% against EDG's 40.00%.

WE had 8 loses in a row. Whereas team EDG had 2 loses.