Match Ninjas In Pyjamas NiP vs TOP Esports TES | 29.03

On March, 29 2025 10:00 (UTC) (2 days ago) Ninjas In Pyjamas will fight against TOP Esports in the Regular Stage of the 2025 League of Legends Pro League Split 2 League of Legends Championship

Teams had 6 encounters in the past, NiP won 0 times. TES won 6 times.

The favorite for this one looks to be TOP Esports with maximum odd of 1.38 offered by Pinnacle.

Team NiP is ranked #77 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 70 places lower than TES place #7.

NiP current winrate is 50.00% against TES's 70.00%.

Team NiP will be represented by Doinb, ppgod, Aki, shanji, neny, Leave. Whereas Team TES is by JackeyLove, Crisp, 369, Kanavi, Creme.

NiP had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team TES had 6 wins.