On March, 10 2021 21:15 (UTC) (in 4 years) Dark Horse will fight against Rebirth eSports in the Regular Phase of the 2021 Liga de Honor Entel Opening League of Legends Championship

Team DH is ranked # among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 0 places lower than Rebirth place #.

Teams had 1 encounters in the past, DH won 0 times. Rebirth won 1 times.

DH match roster is KeaRzy, Lil Knight, syaL, Perro, Luco.
Rebirth roster is Glory, AZR, TxZ, Winter, SkyMind, Tammz.

DH current winrate is 40.00% against Rebirth's 0.00%.

DH current streak is 2 loses against Rebirth's 12 loses.