On August, 16 2021 06:06 (UTC) (3 years ago) LGD Gaming Young goes up against Suning Gaming-S in the Regular Phase of the 2021 LoL Development League Summer League of Legends Tournament

Team LGD.Y is ranked #127 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 127 places lower than SNS place #.

Teams had 2 encounters in the past, LGD.Y won 0 times. SNS won 2 times.

LGD.Y had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team SNS had 3 loses.

Team LGD.Y will be represented by Overture, xqw, Zap, chips, Yed9, Ru0. Whereas Team SNS is by Maggie, Shark, Cruel, Wuy, forse, ErenJaeger, Luuuck, Daisy-, Xgao, xiaopaike.

LGD.Y doing great by winning over 70.00% of their recent matches. While team SNS performs with 50.00% winrate.