On June, 27 2024 17:14 (UTC) (6 months ago) Nigma Galaxy and GnG Amazigh will play a fight within Regular Stage of the 2024 Arabian League Summer League of Legends Championship
Previously team NGX had won over team GnG 1 times, while GnG Amazigh had 0 victories over Nigma Galaxy.
NGX current winrate is 40.00% against GnG's 60.00%.
Team NGX will be represented by Slayder, Dehaste, Rames, Boda, Klownz. Whereas Team GnG is by Viking, Knighter, Juuzou, Neramin, Bloody Butcher.
Team NGX is ranked # among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 0 places lower than GnG place #.
NGX had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team GnG had 1 loses.