Team Yakult's Brothers Logo
Yakult's Brothers
ENSI.Rank:46 ?
ENSI.Score:1427 ?
Shape:100% ?
Streak: ?
Winrate 10:0% ?
Winrate 30:0% ?
China Country Flag Icon China
  • Yakult's Brothers is a Dota 2 Esports team from China.
  • The last Yakult's Brothers match took place at BBD tournament on 5 hours ago. Yakult's Brothers lost to the Team Liquid with a score of 1:1.
  • The next match of the team will be held at BBD tournament on 15 hours from now. MOUZ will be the opponent.
  • YKB last 10 matches winrate is 0.00 %.
  • Yakult's Brothers is ranked #46 in the Ensigame Dota 2 Ranking having Ensi.Score = 1427.
  • Since the beginning of the year the team has played 2 matches.
  • Current team streak is 1 draw.
  • Current Yakult's Brothers line-up: BoBoKa, poloson, flyfly, zeal, Emo.

Yakult's Brothers Current Line-Up

 logo BoBoKa Zhibiao Ye  logo poloson Wilson Koh Chin Wei  logo flyfly Zhiyi Jin  logo zeal Nicholas Lim  logo Emo Zhou Yi

YKB Match Schedule

Roster History

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Earnings and Prizes

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Yakult's Brothers ENSI.Score Chart

Team News

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