On January, 16 2025 18:45 (UTC) (1 month ago) Natus Vincere goes up against Imperial Valkyries in the Qualifier Stage of the 2025 BLAST Bounty Spring Counter-Strike 2 Championship
Teams had no previous encounters.
Na'Vi current streak is 1 loses against Imp VK's 1 wins.
Team Na'Vi will be represented by s1mple, electronic, boombl4, sdy, Perfecto. Whereas Team Imp VK is by zAAz, ANa, Tory, tweNty3, Kat.
Team Na'Vi (rank #3) is 51 places above Imp VK (rank #54).
Na'Vi doing great by winning over 70.00% of their recent matches. While team Imp VK performs with 30.00% winrate.