Match Prasso vs 2GAME 2G | 09.03

On March, 09 2025 15:00 (UTC) (in 10 hours) within Qualifier Stage of the 2025 PGL Bucharest Counter-Strike 2 Tournament Prasso and 2GAME will carry out a clash

The top dog for this one looks to be 2GAME with maximum odd of 1.36 offered by Pinnacle.

Teams had no previous encounters.

Prasso doing great by winning over 33.33% of their recent matches. While team 2G performs with 25.00% winrate.

Team Prasso is placed #232 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 19 places higher than 2G place #251.

Team Prasso will be represented by lenci, pavv, Hezz, dott1, rzk. Whereas Team 2G is by brnz1k, dok, dzt, vhz, santos.

Prasso had 3 loses in a row. Whereas team 2G had 1 wins.