Match G2 Esports G2 vs The Mongolz Mongolz | 08.03

On March, 08 2025 12:32 (UTC) (in 1 day) G2 Esports will fight against The Mongolz in the Regular Stage of the 2025 ESL Pro League Season 21 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

G2 current winrate is 60.00% against Mongolz's 60.00%.

Team G2 is placed #4 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 1 places higher than Mongolz place #5.

Most of bookies consider that the team The Mongolz will win a Match with maximum odd of 1.81 offered by Pinnacle.

Before this match team G2 had won over team Mongolz 2 times, while The Mongolz had 2 victories over G2 Esports.

Team G2 will be represented by Snax, huNter-, malbsMd, m0NESY-, HeavyGod. Whereas Team Mongolz is by bLitz, Techno4k, senzu, mzinho, 910.

G2 had 1 wins in a row. Whereas team Mongolz had 1 loses.